Tuesday 20 November 2012

movie of the month review: paranormal activity 4

Let me put it like this, after watchin the trailer and sending a tweet to the cine city cinema in Vlissingen (NL) to tell them the 4th movie is due to release in octobre they still didn't put anything on the website. And that should have been a sign.

the trailer, which I will post later on was really enjoyable for a horror/thriller junky like myself. As the storyline in the 3rd woke my interest  I was really really really really really looking forward watching paranormal activity 4.

Now I've seen it I would think twice to watch the 5th to be honest.
A lot of people won't like me for saying this but paranormal activty 4 was a huge piece of shit.
the scary moments which made the 1st and to me the 3rd so popular (2nd was ok, but less) were no where to be seen until the very last minutes and okay one or two during the movie , but that was it! People would think a large budget would help but NO. This was an utter disgrace to the idea of paranormal activity.

The young actors were great though, notthing to comment on their skills. They were well casted and fit their characters perfectly.

It does leave some interesting questions behind and I would like to know the whole story, but it wasn't worth the 8.75EUR. a person.

It came in cinema's (in the Netherlands) on the 25-10-2012.... today it's 20-11-2012 and most theatres don't even show it any more.... say enough doesn't it?

Well enjoy the trailer I selected:

review: kruidvat BB creme

As this product isn't available in non Dutch speaking countries this review will be in Dutch.

Kruidvat komt met een eigen versie van de nu zo populaire BB creame. Gekocht met een actie, gelijk twee tubes, 1 extra voor mams. 2.99 p/s  ipv 4/99 p/s koopje dus.

Wat valt er over te zeggen? Handige tube. De creme ruikt heel fijn, voelt niet vettig en trekt erg goed in. Veel van dit soort getinte creme's zijn vreselijk vettig en dekken bij mij niet mooi.  Vooral bij mijn neusvleugels en net tussen mijn wenkbrauwen.

De kleur van de creme is voor mijn bleke huid niet te donker, maar maakt mijn huid wel onnatuurlijk oranje-bruin zoals dat helaas ook bij veel andere creme's, vooral bij zelfbruiners komt dit voor.

Als mijn haar los zit dan is deze creme erg goed dan valt de kleurverandering niet extreem op. zodra ik me haar opsteek zie je meteen dat mijn eigen huid een stuk lichter is en dat vind ik vreselijk!

Dus al met al een goed en fijn product, ik raad het alle blanke meiden aan om deze BB creme te testen, hij is natuurlijk een stuk goedkoper dan de andere merkcreme's van Garnier, niveau enz. Voor getinte vrouwen is deze creme helaas te licht. Hopelijk komt kruidvat voor hen met een passende teint

Saturday 3 November 2012


It is a hairspray, well to  put it out clearly it is a spray  to use on hair. it's a texturing spray containing sea salt. So it should give you a beach look. Well did it really? well it make your hair look just like when you've been down at the beach, swimming in the salty water. To me that actually sounds like it does what the name tells you and what the writing on the nice looking bottle tell you.

But do I really want my hair to look like it's been wet and dried out? It make my hair look like I've been in the water too land and dried it with a towel.

Some people may like that, but I think it's horrible

review: Berry blaster detox

This is a great product! it's called Berry blaster and is available in all well known chemists all over the Netherlands and Belgium! It's a syrop, you simple mix one cap full with a glass of water and drink it to start the process.

You have to keep your snacks well hidden for a week and it would work even better when you go veggie all week, no meat, cheese, eggs or other dairy products. you will get all the toxic out in no time and you will feel way better, more energetic.

Apart from the detox it works as an anti hangover too! I've tried it many times and after a rough night out you will feel so much better after 1 glass mixed with 2b. Actually it makes sense as it cleans you're body and alcohol is toxic after all.

Apart from the fact it worked for me it tastes good, the smell and colour may tell you otherwise. Most chemist sell two sizes a 50mil and 100mil bottle

Rose mary's baby

Rose mary's baby een klassieker die ouder is dan mijn eigen moeder: 1968
Dus we kunnen toch wel stellen dat deze film al 45 jaar mensen de stuipen op het lijf jaagt!

Het is een boekverfilming en er is een Golden Globe en Oscar mee gewonnen, maar geen enkele film is pas echt goed tot dat kijkers hem werkelijk waarderen.

Het gaat om een jong koppel, Rose mary en guy. Ze zijn dolgelukkig hebben een kinderwens en wonen naast een ouder koppel. Rose mary krijgt op een gegeven moment vreemde dromen waarin ze verkracht word door een demon en niet lang nadat zij deze dromen begint te krijgen komt het jonge koppel er achter dat Rose Mary in blijde verwachting is van hun eerste telg.

De eerste drie maanden zijn een hel voor de moeder in spe, veel pijnen en abnormaal bloedverlies.
Later blijkt dat Guy om heel andere redenen blij is met de zwangerschap van zijn liefje. Hij werkt namelijk samen met de buren die lid zijn van een of andere satan sekte. Guy verteld zijn Rose mary dat zij het kind van Satan heeft.

review: Burt's bees beeswax lipbalm

Another glossybox review
burt's bees beeswax lipbalm  another product I'm not very keen on. I needed a large amount to cover my lips compared to the blistex balm I usually rub on. The smell is neutral, but it left a very strange tingling sensation and that's why I stopped using it, I'm not sure, I might be the only as I haven't read any other complaints. I might be over sensative.

It kept tingling for hours, but I didn't need to use it more than once to keep my lips smooth for an afternoon, so it's good for the lips ;)

review: Anatomic Snog me Senseless breath freshner

As most of my facebook wannabee followers can't read Dutch without the urge to use google translate to figure out what the F I'm writing, I will continue my wonderwall in English.

Remember my personal blog kelsey.chaterzwebdesign.nl isn't frequently updated like this one, but that one will remain and is writen in dutch for any one who's interested.

Any way. I want to write a review on the products I got with my Glossy box of last month. Remember the comments below are MY opinion and mine only, if you don't agree, please feel free to express yours and never let my opinion stop you from trying the product yourself!

The first product is a breath freshner and the name was really original: snog me senseless breath freshner. Really sassy. But and there is a catch, the name and maybe the appearance of the product are the only possitive thing I have to mention!

This breath freshner is the worst I've ever tried. I haven't tried many though, but this one as it clearly stated on the box tastes like cinnamon! why? well, I don't know! but trust me it's horrible.
It's an absolute don't, the smell, the taste awful! I think I've made myself clear. But if the taste was minty I would have recommended the spray as it really does help against a bad breath after diner